Cultural Photography in Angola, Home to a Diverse Range of Tribal Cultures
Mwilla girl in traditional tribal dress, Angola. Photograph by Steven Wade Adams ©2022
While largely unknown to much of the world, even urban Angolans, Angola is home to a diverse and highly transitional range of indigenous tribes. In 2022, I had the privilege to visit the people living in the rural regions of western and southern Angola which included the Ovacahona, Ovakuvale, Ovahimba and the Mwila people as well as several smaller tribes. There are certainly some cultural or historical connections between many of these peoples due to their geographical proximity and shared cultural practices, but they are all distinct ethnic groups with their own unique cultural identities contributing to the rich cultural diversity of the southern African region.
Both the Ovacahona and the Ovahimba are also found in neighboring Namibia, but in many ways those living in Angola have been lesser visited by outsiders and as a result retain an even stronger traditional lifestyle. Each of these tribes are known for their respectively distinctive hairstyles, clothing, and intricate jewelry, as well as their semi-nomadic pastoral lifestyle. The Ovakulave are well known for their use of colorful woven textiles. The Mwila are clearly recognizable by their women’s elaborate and distinctive beaded clothing and adornments.
Indigenous communities in Angola face significant threats to their traditional lifestyles and cultural heritage. Agricultural expansion, mining, and oil exploration have led to forced displacement from ancestral lands. Climate change worsens resource scarcity and disrupts fragile ecosystems crucial for their livelihoods. Inadequate legal protection of land rights makes these communities vulnerable to exploitation and conflict over resources. This combination of challenges endangers both indigenous cultures and the biodiversity of the regions they inhabit. Unfortunately, what I learned when visiting Angola is that while most of the burgeoning population in Angola live in the cities, most know almost nothing about the cultures and lifestyle of the traditional communities within their own country.
Some cultural elements that I found especially fascinating is the widespread use of ochre, which plays both a practical and symbolic role. While most famously, it is the Himba women who are known for their use of ochre mixed with butterfat as a sunscreen and cosmetic, many other tribes in Angola make liberal use of ochre as well. Another interesting observation is that the Himba people in many ways dress as if to resemble cattle. This cane be noted in the hairstyles of both men and women, the use of hides and most notably in the ornaments that women wear in their hair and around their necks. Cattle are undoubtedly a valued and sacred element of their lives. Some have speculated that traditional cultures may seek access to their ancestors through spiritual connection created through their relationships with cattle.